Primary 4 Chinese Model Compositions 考前必备作文精选

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Primary 4 Chinese Model Compositions 考前必备作文精选

Product Code: C4MC
ISBN: 9789814202985
Weight: 0.35kg
  • S$7.70

Teachers and parents attach great importance to the topic of how students can write well. Not only is the quality of composition, a direct representation of the level of mastery of the Chinese Language, but it also amounts to a significant weightage in PSLE. Therefore, we have carefully compiled this book, with the purpose of allowing students in all grades of Primary school to have a wide range of composition reference: from low to high, simple to complex, and easy to difficult.

The book is composed of four parts: "model composition", "fill in the blanks", "form phrases and sentences", and "write sentences based on pictures". Features of this book are as follows:

1. Moderate Difficulty- Topics of the sample essays are relatable to students thus it is understood easily.

2. A wide range of topics- Sample essays are all carefully selected and vetted by senior teachers.

3. Closely similar to exam style- Good sentences, idioms, and colloquialisms in the model composition can inspire and enhance a student's composition during the exam.

4. Easy practice- Students are able to complete the exercises independently without parental guidance.

We firmly believe that this series of books will be loved by parents and classmates, and will certainly benefit students greatly.


教师和家长都十分重视小学生如何能写好作文这个课题。不仅因为作文的水平代表着掌握华文这门语言的程度,而且她在小六会考中占有举足轻重的地位。 因此我们精心编写了这套«考前必备—作文精选»(共六册),目的在于让小学各年级的学生接受由低到高,由简到繁,由易到难的作文参考。 该书由“示范作文”, “选词填空”, “组词成句”,“看图写句”四大部分组成。 «考前必备- 作文精选»的特色:

1。 难易适中 – 示范作文均发生在学生身边,便于理解。

2。 题材广泛 – 示范作文均由资深老师精心遍选。

3。 紧扣考试 – 示范作文中的佳句,成语,俗语能使学生在考试作文时激发灵感,润色作文。

4。 轻松练习 – 无须家长辅导,学生可以独立完成训练。 我们坚信,这套丛书一定会受到家长,同学们的喜爱,也一定让同学们在作文中获益匪浅。


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