Primary 5B Lesson by Lesson Chinese Practice 每课一做 欢乐练习
Primary 5B Lesson by Lesson Chinese Practice 每课一做 欢乐练习
- S$8.90
The key to primary school students' learning Chinese lies in the accumulation of vocabulary and phrases. This requires students to read and practice more often, review the texts in time, and practice will makes perfect. Therefore, we have meticulously written this book to allow students of all grades of primary school to deepen their understanding of textbooks and consolidate their knowledge through timely and repeated exercises. Features of this book are as follows:
1. Standard questions style: The question styles are compiled according to the latest Primary Chinese syllabus of the Ministry of Education to help students familiarize themselves with the latest test model and improve their test-taking ability.
2. Follow school textbook closely: The exercises in each lesson correspond to the latest textbooks published by the Ministry of Education, such that the exercises are in sync with the school textbooks.
3. Easy practice: Students can do the exercises while referring to the textbooks used in the school. The exercises are accompanied by detailed answers for the students' reference.
We firmly believe that this set of exercises will be loved by students, and they will reap great benefit from this.
小学生学习华文的关键在于字词句的积累。这就要求学生平时多读多练,及时复习课文,最后熟能生巧。 因此我们精心编写了这套《每课一做—欢乐练习》,让小学各年级的学生通过及时、多次、反复的练习,达到加深对课本的理解,巩固课本知识的目的。 《每课一做—欢乐练习》的特色:
1. 题型标准 题型均根据教育部最新考试出题蓝图编写,帮助学生熟悉最新考题模式,提高应试能力。
2. 紧跟课文 每课练习均与教育部最新出版的课本对应,做到练习与课文同步。
3. 轻松练习 学生可以参照学校所学的课文成练习,练习附有答案供学生参考。